
How can I help you?

Every family is unique so my services are flexible to meet your particular requirements. Below is an outline of the types of services I offer but please get it touch to discuss your specific needs and we will put together a bespoke package of support designed especially for you. 

The fees for your exact package will be confirmed and agreed with you before any appointments. 

If cost is a barrier to you then do please discuss this with me. 



What is included?

Initial 30 minute telephone call/chat


  • 30 minute telephone call (or alternative) to chat about the challenges you are facing and to determine how I can best support you. 
  • An opportunity for you to ask questions and decide if I am the right person to work with you and your family. 
  • No obligation. 

Consultation meeting with parents

£50 per hour

  • In person or online session centred around your particular requirements. 
  • Ask for advice about any area of need. 
  • Special Educational Needs advice and support. 
  • Home Educating advice and support. 

Learning Assessments 

(for children aged 4-11 years)

From £150

  • A wide range of standardised assessments and learning activities are used to outline your child’s current skills and explore their unique strengths and difficulties.  
  • All assessments include a detailed written report and a feedback meeting with parents to discuss the outcomes and plan next steps. 

Individual tutoring or pupil support

(booked in blocks of 4 x 1 hour sessions)


  • 4 x 1 hr sessions 
  • Working on strategies and recommendations made in a learning assessment
  • Or working towards specific goals agreed and discussed with parents 
  • Opportunity to model strategies to parents to continue at home 

Attendance at meetings or liaison with other professionals 

 £50 per hour (pro rata)

  • Attending meetings alongside parents  
  • Attending multi-agency meetings
  • Liaising with other professionals involved with the family/child

Paperwork e.g reading reports, preparing reports or letters. 

 £50 per hour (pro rata)

  • Time spent reviewing reports from other professionals e.g. before multi-agency meeting
  • Preparation of additional evidence or reports eg following blocks of tutoring

Support for schools  

 £50 per hour (pro rata)

  • Assessments (outlined above)
  • Pupil observations
  • SENCo support
  • Attendance at  meetings
  • Delivery of intervention programmes
  • One off visits or a series of visits to carry out a specific piece of work.

Travel costs

Travel within 10 miles of my home  

Additional miles   

Journeys over 1 hour in total


No additional charge

45p per mile

£30 per hour (pro rata)